Freeze-Frame - Willaway

Bill Crawford has a plan to take the cash flow from his Death Insurance business and invest billions 'into processing shale in order to dominate the energy market and make the U. S. independent of foreign imports. His adversaries in the Socialist One World Nation have their own plan to kill the Magic Man.

Their scheme involves using the source of his power against him by utilizing a lost tribe of Bribri Natives from Central America to meditate through their God, the Willaway, on his demise.

Bill has always maintained that his abilities come from the Universal truth that "it is done unto you as ye believe." The S O W N agents, Erly and Vlad, want to overwhelm his beliefs with those of hundreds of natives, all certain through their ceremony that he will die.

Will the man who can make magic be able to survive the absolute faith of hundreds? He and his Pajama Board must fight back before sheer numbers overwhelm them.