Freeze-Frame - Death Insurance

"Death Insurance" is the second novel in the "Freeze Frame" series centering around Bill Crawford, a man who in deep meditation learned how to stop and start time with the blink of an eye. Still doing the most popular magic show on the Las Vegas strip with his wife Char and best friend Mack Williams, he encounters a deadly threat from a coven of witches.

He is also recruited by the government to stop a second time manipulator who is in the employ of of SOWN, the Socialist One World Nation organization made up of X-KGB agents and officers from the old Soviet Union who are still trying to bring down the United States as the first step in their over-all goal of world domination.

Simultaneously the Magic Man brings in talented friends from his past to start the Death Insurance Company of America. The theme of the new business is "You need life insurance if you die, you need Death Insurance if you live!"

The story contains non stop action, love and humor and the unique philosophy of the main character who is certain that "as ye believe" is a cosmic law.